Men and women dream of having a slim, well-contoured body. Today’s advanced technology allows us to easily sculpt our bodies into a more attractive version using targeted fat removal. Numerous non-surgical, non-invasive fat removal procedures. Out of these, Coolsculpting and Ultrasonic Cavitation are the two most popular ones.
In this article, we have examined the two sophisticated body-sculpting techniques in detail to help you determine the best option.
What is Coolsculpting?
Coolsculpting technology is popularly used in Cryolipolysis (fat-freezing) treatment, an advanced fat-reduction procedure. This technique is considered an excellent alternative to conventional fat-removal body-sculpting surgeries. This entirely non-invasive treatment kills stubborn fat cells by freezing them. It is extremely useful to target localized fat areas that are tough to lose through exercise.
Being a non-surgical procedure, Coolsculpting treatment does not require anesthesia or a long recovery period. This usually lets patients return to normal daily activities after a short rest.
How does Coolsculpting work?
Coolsculpting works simply by freezing fat cells. The equipment uses applicators that are placed over the target area. These cool the fat cells to a temperature that causes cell death without harming surrounding tissues, typically below freezing point.
Coolsculpting targets fat cells beneath the skin without a specific depth limitation, effectively freezing and killing them over time. The lymphatic system then discards the remnants of the frozen cells out of the body.
How effective is Coolsculpting
The number of Coolsculpting sessions required varies significantly among individuals, depending on the treatment area and desired outcomes. Still, the number of sessions required for noticeable results varies from patient to patient. You can see visible Coolsculpting results after 1 to 3 months of treatment.
Coolsculpting treatment is mostly used to remove stubborn fat cells from certain parts of the body. It targets fat deposits in problem areas, such as the abdomen, inner thighs, hips, upper arm, neck, and back. Coolsculpting can reduce the number of fat cells in the treated areas by 20-25% per session.
Potential Side-Effects of Coolsculpting
As the Coolsculpting procedure is noninvasive and nonsurgical, it does not have the risk of the various complications that often arise after surgical fat removal treatment. However, some patients may feel mild side effects, such as numbness and bruising, or notice the skin getting darker around the treatment area. These are only temporary side effects and dissipate within a few days following the procedure.
Overall, Coolsculpting is a significantly safe procedure and has been approved by the FDA for having a lesser risk of potential side effects.
What is Ultrasonic Cavitation
Ultrasonic Cavitation treatment is considered an excellent alternative to conventional liposuction procedures. This treatment uses precise low-frequency ultrasound waves to break fat cells. Similar to Coolsculpting, Ultrasonic Cavitation is also a noninvasive, nonsurgical fat-reducing treatment. It does not require anesthesia or have a long post-operation recovery period.
How does Ultrasonic Cavitation work
Ultrasonic Cavitation is even simpler than Coolsculpting. Ultrasonic Cavitation devices typically operate at frequencies ranging from 20 kHz to several MHz, adjusted according to the specific treatment and device. These can easily pass through the skin without causing discomfort. The ultrasound waves begin to vibrate the targeted fat cells, creating a mix of heat and pressure, which breaks the fat cells into their components. The body excretes the waste components through natural processes while retaining the useful parts of the broken fat cells.
How effective is Ultrasound Cavitation
This treatment method can be easily customized for different types of goals. For instance, some may want to reduce overall weight, while some may want to remove fat from certain problem areas only. Usually, patients have to undergo 2 sessions of Ultrasound Cavitation per week over 1 to 2 months. Noticeable results from Ultrasonic Cavitation may vary, with some patients seeing changes after several sessions. The effectiveness and number of Ultrasonic Cavitation sessions needed can vary greatly among individuals, with no set number guaranteeing best results.
Typically, ultrasound cavitation targets the areas on which liposuction treatment is focused. It helps reduce stubborn fat cells from the abdomen, upper arms, thighs, back, hips, and buttocks.
Potential Side-Effects of Ultrasound Cavitation
Ultrasound Cavitation is also a significantly safer procedure than conventional fat-removal and body-sculpting surgeries. It does not carry the risk of complications normally associated with surgery and anesthesia. The procedure uses ultrasound waves that do not cause the patient any discomfort.
Though some patients may notice skin reddening around the targeted areas, this is only temporary and goes away in a few days. Besides this, the procedure does not require a long recovery period like fat-removal surgeries.
In all, Ultrasound Cavitation is an excellent choice for safe and effective body-sculpting and fat-removal goals.
Coolsculpting or Ultrasound Cavitation – Which is the Best Choice
Coolsculpting and Ultrasound Cavitation are quite similar as they both use non-invasive methods to break down fat cells and remove them from the body. However, the technique used to achieve this goal differs.
On the one hand, Coolsculpting technology uses extremely low temperatures to kill fat cells. This helps to destroy fat in a precise and safe way. On the other hand, Ultrasound Cavitation uses vibrations induced by ultrasonic sound waves to break down fat cells into their components.
However, the similarity ends here and the differences start in how much time they take to show noticeable results and which is the most comfortable treatment. Besides this, the prices of the two fat-reduction treatments also vary. On average, Ultrasound Cavitation is around 30-50% less expensive than Coolsculpting.
Additionally, ultrasound cavitation is a completely outpatient procedure that can be performed in a few minutes. It also does not require the patient to take significant rest. Coolsculpting does not require a prescribed rest period, allowing most patients to return to normal activities immediately after the procedure.
Coolsculpting and Ultrasound Cavitation are non-surgical and non-invasive alternatives to conventional fat-removal surgeries. These body-sculpting treatments use different methods to break down fat cells and give the body a well-contoured shape. Both treatments are considerably effective and safe, and you should consult your cosmetic surgeon for the best choice.
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