3 Grants for Mommy Makeover

What Grants for Mommy Makeover are Available?

Grants for mommy makeover assists in getting the most well-deserved and life-changing procedures.

Pregnancy and motherhood can take a toll on a woman’s body, and despite the efforts of exercise and dieting, it’s still sometimes difficult to get back to a pre-baby body.

A mommy makeover is a deserving procedure that helps you get back in shape; however, it is expensive. Various factors contribute to the total cost of a mommy makeover, and they can vary widely per patient.

Let’s learn about the cost estimates and the grants for mommy makeovers, which make the procedure affordable.

Grants for Mommy Makeover – Everything You Need to Know About Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover combines surgical cosmetic procedures that help women regain their confidence and pre-pregnancy body.

A mommy makeover is not a new term. It refers to a series of procedures that surgically restore the pre-baby shape.

In simple language, a mommy makeover is any breast surgery accompanied by abdominal surgery.

These operations are usually performed simultaneously, which takes less recovery time and helps you get back on your feet quickly.

Mommy Makeover – Surgical Procedures

These breast procedures may include one of the following:

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the right choice when breasts start sagging or have lost their volume. The cost of breast augmentations varies depending on the patient’s goals and needs with surgery.

One of the most significant factors determining the cost of surgery is a breast implant choice, either saline- or silicone-filled implants.

Breast Lift

A breast lift is a mommy makeover that recaptures a youthful look and shape. When you are not comfortable with implants, this procedure is an alternative method to re-inflate droopy, sagging and poorly shaped breasts.

The good news about this procedure is that its results are long-lasting. Excess skin is removed, breast tissue is lifted, and nipples and areolas are moved or even reduced in size.

Breast Augmentation with Lift

After pregnancy, the breasts tend to lose shape and volume. However, this procedure is beneficial for women who want to enhance their breasts and reduce breast sag.

Breast Reduction

Women who suffer from pain due to bra strap indentations or experience soreness in the back, neck, and shoulders go for breast reduction.

A breast operation, when paired with one of the following body surgeries, constitutes a mommy makeover:

Tummy Tuck

The tummy tuck, also referred to as abdominoplasty, is a procedure that involves the removal of excess skin, repositioning the navel, and giving new life to weak abdominal muscles by tightening the abdominal wall.


Body contouring is a friendly term for liposuction. The stubborn fat that doesn’t react to diet and exercise is removed. However, liposuction is not an alternative to weight reduction.

Grants for Mommy Makeover – Dr. Harold Gillies Cosmetic Surgery Grants Program

The Dr. Harold Gillies Cosmetic Surgery Grants Program offers you the opportunity to pay less for cosmetic procedures.

One can qualify for grants for mommy makeovers that will reduce the cost by up to 20%, to a maximum of $2,000, depending on the procedure.

Healthy individuals with realistic expectations and a positive outlook are ideal candidates for participation.

There are no claim forms; the grant is automatically deducted from the surgery cost. You can apply for grants at https://www.cosmeticsurgerygrants.org/apply.

Eligible Surgical Procedures & Grant Amounts

Here is the list of the available grants for a mommy makeover. There are also other surgical procedures; however, the list is extensive and changing.

Therefore, asking a representative for the procedure you seek and getting the exact grant amount is recommended.

Breast Augmentation: 18.5% to a maximum of $1500

Liposuction – Grant Amount: 20% to a maximum of $2000

Face / Neck Lift (Rhytidectomy): 19.5% to a maximum of $1850

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty): 20% to a maximum of $2000

Grants for Mommy Makeover – Other Grant Funding Opportunities

The Plastic Surgery Foundation (PSF) provides researchers and medical professionals with several grant opportunities.

1. Pilot Research Grants

The PSF Pilot Research Grant (PRG) provides seed funding to foster plastic surgery innovation. It allows investigators to work on preliminary research projects based on plastic surgery sciences.

To learn more, visit https://www.thepsf.org/research/grants-program/pilot-research-grants.

2. Combined Pilot Research Grants

The PSF and subspecialty organizations are dedicated to fostering surgeon scientists’ development and funding pilot research studies that set the investigators’ stage.

To learn more, visit https://www.thepsf.org/research/grants-program/combined-pilot-research-grants.

3. Research Fellowship Grants

The PSF Research Fellowship is designed for clinical training in any area of plastic surgery. It provides supplemental salary support (up to $50,000 for one year) during a mentored research experience.

To learn more, visit https://www.thepsf.org/research/.


Health and cosmetic satisfaction are the top priorities. One should never compromise with an inexperienced doctor to save some money.

It is better to opt for grants for a mommy makeover to reduce costs and regain confidence. Choose the correct procedure and pour a little back into yourself by looking great.

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