11 IVF Grants for Veterans and Military Families

What are the Available IVF Grants for Veterans and Military Families?

IVF grants for veterans allow wounded veterans to become parents and fulfill their dreams by growing their families.

These grants can be helpful for veterans who have suffered service-related injuries that cause infertility.

Veterans protect and defend the country, sacrificing so much in their lives.

It has been reported that some veterans in the United States suffer from combat-related trauma to reproductive organs, affecting fertility.

They have experienced injuries that affect fertility. The inability to have a child can be a devastating blow.

Fortunately, the IVF grants enable veterans to receive financial help to build their families.

IVF Grants for Veterans – New VA Benefit

Previously, the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) was barred from covering the expenses of medically necessary IVF for veterans.

Tricare provides certain infertility benefits, including IVF under specific conditions, to eligible active-duty personnel but does not generally cover IVF for retired personnel or veterans.

The new law provides funding, and the VA is committed to helping veterans with the challenges that originate from fertility issues and conceiving a child.

The range of services is now provided by the VA throughout the treatment process, including access to fertility treatments and services such as counseling, blood testing, sperm testing, ultrasounds, surgery, medication, and much more.

Wounded veterans may be eligible for IVF and other Assisted Reproductive Technology services through the VA under certain conditions. Most of the veterans faced injuries to the genitourinary tract, spine, or brain that caused an inability to conceive naturally.

Since IVF allows fertilization outside the body, the procedure gives wounded veterans a way to achieve pregnancy even when reproductive organs are non-functional.

Veterans suffering from infertility due to service-connected conditions may be eligible for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) services such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

In addition to IVF, the veterans’ spouses are also eligible for infertility counseling and treatment options covered under the medical benefits package.

However, coverage is determined based on an infertility evaluation at a VA medical center.

Infertility care is provided either at a local VA medical facility or through referral to community health care providers.

IVF Grants for Veterans - Apply Today!

IVF Grants for Veterans – Get the Right Treatment

IVF Grants for Veterans – Get the Right Treatment

The life of veterans is uncertain, and they might face lifelong issues such as infertility. Therefore, IVF grants for veterans are offered to help them find the proper treatment.

1. Bob Woodruff Foundation

Programs offered by the Bob Woodruff Foundation help veterans in various aspects, including becoming parents.

This organization’s funding from various sponsors is channeled to veterans and their families in numerous creative ways.

One of the creative initiatives launched by this program is “VIVA,” which stands for Veterans In Vitro InitiAtive.

The Bob Woodruff Foundation supports the VIVA—Veterans In Vitro InitiAtive, which helps veterans by providing financial assistance for IVF. However, specific funding details, such as maximum amounts, should be verified as they can vary.

The program aims to help veterans, their families, and service members thrive.

2. Fertility Lifelines

The Fertility Lifelines Compassionate Care Program offers eligible patients savings on fertility medications, including income-based discounts for qualifying military veterans.

Qualified active or retired veterans from the US military are entitled to receive a minimum 25% discount on EMD Serono’s fertility medications. They can also be eligible for additional savings of up to 50% or 75%.

3. CNY Fertility

CNY Fertility provides affordable care and IVF treatment options for veterans, among other patients, focusing on reproductive health issues. It typically costs half of what other IVF centers charge and provides IVF coverage for eligible veteran applicants.

Besides, free sperm freeze services are offered to active-duty soldiers, allowing for future fertility.

4. Operation Baby Foundation

Operation Baby Foundation provides awards and grants to military couples diagnosed with infertility. To qualify, the applicant must be either an active-duty service member, the spouse (of Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Space Force), a veteran, or the surviving spouse of a service member who passed away while on duty.

Beneficiaries are awarded a grant of up to $5,000 to overcome treatment costs and achieve their dreams of becoming parents.

5. Nest Egg Foundation

The Center for Advanced Reproductive Services, an academic affiliate of the UConn School of Medicine and with the Nest Egg Foundation, provides life-changing financial grants to Connecticut residents to start a family.

Grants are offered for in vitro fertilization of primary infertility only.

6. Journey to Parenthood Foundation

Journey to Parenthood raises funds to assist veterans with fertility treatments, adoptions, or surrogacy. These financial grants help to reduce treatment expenses.

Boston IVF offers comprehensive care essential for successful fertility outcomes. In collaboration with Journey to Parenthood, Boston IVF provides financial and educational resources for individuals and couples facing infertility.

7. Tricare: Infertility Treatment

The United States Department of Defense Military Health System’s Tricare (styled TRICARE) is a healthcare program.

Tricare offers civilian health benefits to members of the United States Armed Forces, military retirees, and their dependents, including certain Reserve Component members in cases of infertility due to war injury.

Tricare continues to include healthcare services administered in military medical treatment centers alongside its role as the civilian healthcare program for the military community.

Tricare functions similarly to a single-payer healthcare system. Visit tricare.mil for more information.

8. Baby Quest Foundation

Dealing with an injury post-war and facing infertility can be overwhelming.

Military personnel struggling to afford medication, laboratory checkups, and physician consultations can benefit from this organization.

The Baby Quest Foundation offers grants for fertility treatments to all eligible applicants, including military personnel and civilians. The assistance provided brings hope to many who had lost it.

It is important to note that the grant amount ranges from $2,000 to $15,000 and includes medication expenses. Applications for the grant can be submitted at babyquestfoundation.org.

9. Embryo Adoption

Parental Hope is an initiative that supports embryo adoption. This grant allows applicants to make a one-time payment of up to $5,000.

The grant is awarded to couples who meet the rules and regulations for embryo adoption at the National Embryo Donation Center in Knoxville, Tennessee (the “NEDC”).

This process includes preparing and submitting an embryo adoption application to the NEDC, completing the NEDC’s home study procedures, and receiving medical approval from the NEDC.

However, it is important to note that the cost of travel to Knoxville, Tennessee, is not covered. Visit embryodonation.org for more information.

10. Journey to Parenthood

This remarkable group assists infertile veterans with self-treatment or, if necessary, provides surrogacy or adoption.

The foundation works by offering financial support to infertility patients, helping to alleviate the financial burden associated with infertility.

They also establish social support groups to connect individuals and couples dealing with the emotional impact of infertility, aiming to reduce feelings of isolation.

Furthermore, they collaborate with other organizations with similar missions to help infertile couples make the best choices for themselves.

Journey to Parenthood provides support by offering information and resources through their website and other channels. Visit journeytoparenthood.org for more information.

11. Nest Egg Foundation

This charity assists those unable to start a family due to financial constraints.

The Nest Egg Foundation is a collaboration of medical and financial experts, attorneys, and others who are passionate about starting families and wish to support individuals unable to afford fertility treatments.

The organization aims to provide grants to individuals struggling with infertility. If you are seeking such assistance, visit their website at nesteggfoundation.org.


Beyond everything, veterans protect us. Unfortunately, they face many challenges in their personal lives. Their service can even lead to infertility, preventing them from building their own families.

IVF grants for veterans offer financial assistance for the necessary treatments, allowing veterans to fulfill their dream of parenthood.

IVF Grants in the U.S.

See Also

Grants for Veterans with PTSD

IVF Due Date Calculator

VA Home Loans

Small Business Grants for Veterans

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September 15, 2023
Updated By
Andrea Morales G.
February 18, 2024
Updated By
Andrea Morales G.
April 23, 2024
Updated By
Andrea Morales G.

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