When you need to see a doctor, it’s important to know when you should seek treatment and when to just take care of the problem yourself.
This will save you time and money. With that in mind, we bet you could use a guide on when and when not to consult a doctor right?
Consult a Doctor When:
Here are some of the instances when you should seek professional help.
You Suspect Pregnancy
It is important to see a doctor if you suspect that you are pregnant. Why? Because you need to begin prenatal clinics as soon as possible if you are pregnant and if you wait, chances are that you may experience problems that could have been avoided if you had seen a doctor earlier.
Breathing Difficulty
Sudden onset of rapid heartbeat and difficulty breathing, usually with sweating, could be signs of conditions such as anxiety attacks, asthma, or heart-related issues rather than anemia and should be addressed promptly.
You may also want to book an appointment with a physician if you are experiencing extreme tiredness, possibly accompanied by loss of appetite and fever. These could be signs of various infections or conditions, including but not limited to malaria in relevant geographical areas, which can be fatal if not treated on time.
Sudden and Heavy Bleeding
This is mainly for women. Abdominal pain or heavy bleeding that lasts longer than 1 hour or that occurs with bleeding not related to your period is not a good sign.
As such, seeing a doctor as soon as possible would be wise.
Abnormal Itching
If a rash or unusual blistering accompanies an itch, it’s probably best to see a doctor. The same goes if the itch is intense, doesn’t go away after two weeks, or spreads.
If the itch is just annoying but not bothersome, wait a while and see how it goes.
A Sore Throat
A sore throat accompanied by fever, difficulty swallowing or breathing, and swollen lymph nodes may suggest strep throat or other serious infections and should prompt a visit to the doctor.
If you have any of these symptoms, get in to see your doctor right away. Other more common symptoms — like a cough or having trouble sleeping because of the pain — are less likely signs of strep and can often be treated at home with over-the-counter medications.
Chest Pain
You may experience a heart attack or stroke and not know it. Therefore, if you experience chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath and pain in the arm, back and neck that spreads to the jaw and throat, it would be best to see a physician.
Painless Lumps
Lumps can appear anywhere on your body. They are usually cysts or boils, but they can also be tumors.
If you have a painless lump anywhere on your body that doesn’t seem to go away, you may want to visit a doctor just to rule out that it is not a tumor that may be detrimental to your health.
Do Not Consult If:
Some conditions do not necessarily call for a doctor’s attention and these include:
- Physical discomfort, such as back pain or headache, often results from muscle strain or stress and might not always require a doctor’s visit unless it is severe, persistent, or accompanied by other symptoms. Over-the-counter pain relief and rest often help, but see a doctor if the pain is severe or persistent.
- If you have a small cut or burn, treating it with an at-home remedy is usually better than going to the hospital for treatment.
If the cut won’t stop bleeding or if there’s something in the wound that needs to be removed, go see a doctor for treatment.
- When your child has flu-like symptoms, it is often better to wait and see if they clear up independently. If they don’t, you can take them to the doctor then.
Children must be kept reasonably warm as well.
- If you have a problem that can be treated with over-the-counter medications, such as colds and flu.
In this case, speak to your pharmacist or check out the “Patient Information” section on the packaging for other possible remedies for your symptoms.
There are many situations in which a physician is needed, but there are also times when you can take care of a health issue yourself. In the end, it’s up to you to choose whether or not to see your doctor. You should make this decision by weighing the symptoms and your treatment options.
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