How to Get Foster Care Grants in the US

Foster Care Grants in the US – Overview

There are thousands of couples who want to be parents but cannot become one for several reasons. Foster care provides a temporary home to children in need, allowing individuals and couples to support and care for these children.

Still, some foster parents struggle with raising a child. Lack of sufficient financial resources is the biggest challenge for foster parents to raise children comfortably and efficiently.

Several foster care grants are available in the United States to help with this.

If you are a foster parent in such a situation, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we have listed the various sources where you can seek foster care grants.

How to Get Foster Care Grants

Several federal, state, and local governments, as well as private charitable organizations, offer foster care grants. These include Adoption Aid, Student Initiatives, Medical Care, etc.

Let’s take a detailed look at some of the top sources that provide foster care grants in the US:

1 – Robert W. Knox, Sr. and Pearl Wallis Knox Charitable Foundation Grant Program

The Robert W. Knox, Sr. and Pearl Wallis Knox Charitable Foundation Grant Program are aimed at community services, child welfare services, education, science, etc. The Robert W. Knox, Sr. and Pearl Wallis Knox Charitable Foundation Grant Program awards grants primarily to nonprofit organizations focused on community service, child welfare services, education, and science. This grant can be used for outreach, education and similar programs.

Under this foster care grant program, eligible applicants can receive grant money ranging between $5,000 and $10,000 in a single cycle.

For additional information on eligibility criteria and the application process, you can visit the website at,746064974/.

2 – Title IV – E Foster Care

The Federal Foster Care Program aims to provide children with stable and safe out-of-home care. This care is provided till the children are safely returned home or placed permanently with adoptive parents.

Title IV-E of the Social Security Act provides federal funding to states for foster care and adoption assistance with no specified annual grant cycle; funding is allocated based on eligible expenditures submitted by the states. It has specific eligibility criteria and guidelines for using grant funds.

Funding under this foster care grant program is offered as an open-ended entitlement grant. Recipients can use the awarded funds to make monthly maintenance payments for regular care and supervision of foster children.

The funds can be used to pay administrative costs to help manage the program. It can also be utilized to train staff for foster care services, recruit foster parents, etc.

For further details on eligibility criteria and the application process for this foster care grant, you can visit the website at

3 – John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program

The John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) provides financial assistance to former foster care youths to achieve self-sufficiency.

This grant is offered to Tribes and States that submit a plan to help youth in various areas. It is aimed at the successful transition of foster care children into adulthood.

The Educational and Training Vouchers (ETV) program is a separate initiative under the John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program designed to assist youths aging out of foster care with their educational and training expenses. This initiative helps complete the education and training requirements of children and young adolescents in foster care.

This initiative offers grants from its $140 million funds for the CFCIP program.

In addition, the initiative authorizes around $60 million for States and Tribes to continue post-secondary education and training. Under this program, successful applicants can receive as much as $5,000 per year.

For further details on eligibility criteria and the application process for this foster care grant, you can visit their website at


These are some of the programs available to support foster care in the US. They provide financial assistance and resources to foster children, former foster youth, and the agencies that support them.

See Also

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Current Version
January 17, 2022
Written By
Shubham Grover
March 28, 2024
Updated By
Andrea Morales G.

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