Florida Nursing License Renewal Requirement List

Florida Nursing License Renewal

Suppose you’re a Florida nurse whose license ends. In that case, a licensure expiry means a potentially massive headache dealing with the FBON (Florida Board of Nursing) for renewal and the inability to continue practicing.

If you’re a nurse practicing in Florida or hold a Florida nursing license, here is what you need to know about renewing your AP, LPN or RN license.

Renewal Instructions

1. Start by opening the Florida Health Source website and navigate to ‘Renew A License.’

2. Next, enter your credentials and click ‘Login.’

3. Then, click ‘Continue’ to confirm or Update your MQA (Medical Quality Assurance) Service Account email address.

4. The ‘Renew My License’ option will be available on the portal dashboard up to 90 days before your license expiration date.

5. Note that if you’re reactivating your AP, LPN or RN license, you should refer to your practice’s rules and regulations for additional requirements.

What Is Required?

As an FBON licensee, you are required to renew your license biennially to maintain your right to practice. The FBON will renew your license upon receiving and processing the completed renewal application and required documentation.

1. A Completed renewal application document

2. Completed CE (Continuous Education Requirements)

3. Renewal fees.

How Much Does It Cost to Renew a License with the FBON

If renewing BEFORE your license expires:

Active to Active license: $75

Active to Inactive license: $65

Active to Retired license: $55

Inactive to Active license: $120

If renewing AFTER your license expires:

Active to Active: $130.00

Inactive to Inactive: $120.00

Active to Inactive: $175.00

Inactive to Active: $240.00

Active to Retired: $165.00

Inactive to Retired: $165.00

If renewing 120-day Notified Delinquent:

Active to Active: $205.00

Inactive to Inactive: $185.00

Active to Inactive: $185.00

Inactive to Active: $260.00

Active to Retired: $185.00

Inactive to Retired: $175.00

What Are the FBON’s CE License Renewal Requirements

Advanced Practice

Biennially (two years): 16 hours of CE, including:

  • 2 hours on human trafficking
  • 2 hours of medical error prevention
  • 2 hours on rules and regulations that govern nursing practice in Florida
  • 3 hours on the secure and effective prescription of controlled drugs
  • Initial Renewal: An hour on HIV/AIDS
  • Quadrennially (four years): 2 hours on identifying impairment in the workplace
  • Every third renewal cycle: 2 additional hours on domestic violence, to be completed within the 24 months preceding the renewal

LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse)

Biennially (two years): 16 hours of CE, including:

  • 2 hours on human trafficking
  • 2 hours of medical error prevention
  • 2 hours on rules and regulations that govern nursing practice in Florida
  • Initial Renewal: An hour on HIV/AIDS
  • Quadrennially (four years): 2 hours on identifying impairment in the workplace
  • After the 3rd renewal: An extra 2 hours on domestic violence

RN (Registered Nurse)

Biennially (two years): 16 hours of CE, including:

  • 2 hours on human trafficking
  • 2 hours of medical error prevention
  • 2 hours on rules and regulations that govern nursing practice in Florida
  • Initial Renewal: An hour on HIV/AIDS
  • Quadrennially (four years): 2 hours on identifying impairment in the workplace
  • After the 3rd renewal: An extra 2 hours on domestic violence


No. According to FBON rules, you must complete your CE requirements and submit proof of completion to the CE Broker before the FBON processes your renewal application.

You must submit the documentation if your CEU provider doesn’t do it.

How Can I Confirm That My Renewal Application Is Complete?

The license renewal process takes 7 to 10 working days. To check the status of your application, visit the Florida Department of Health QA Portal.

How Can I Stay Up to Date On Any New CE Requirements?

The FBON has a free email subscription service that gives you access to updates on its site. When you subscribe, you’ll always find any new CE requirements in your inbox.

How Do I Reactivate My License with the FBON?

If you want to reactivate your license from inactive or retired status, you must pay additional fees and comply with the CE requirements. If you fail to meet the requirements, you must reapply for the license and abide by the current rules and regulations.

If your license has become null and void or you have decided to give up your license voluntarily, you must reapply and meet the current requirements.

What Happens if I Don’t Renew My Nursing License Before the Deadline?

The process and requirements for reactivating a nursing license after missing the renewal deadline can vary; consult the Florida Board of Nursing for the most current procedures and penalties.

License reactivation attracts additional charges, and you must still meet CE requirements. To request reactivation, contact the following email address.

If you don’t want to renew your nursing license before the expiry date, you can retire it for a one-time fee of $55. This will dormant your nursing license, and you can reactivate it anytime you wish to continue practicing.

Final Thought

There is the entire Florida nursing license renewal process for advanced practice, practical nurses, and registered nurses. If you’d like to get in touch with a representative or learn more about renewals, click on https://floridasnursing.gov/renewals/

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Current Version
April 4, 2024
Updated By
Tim Bevelacqua, MN, RN
June 20, 2022
Written By
Shubham Grover
March 21, 2024
Updated By
Tim Bevelacqua, MN, RN

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