Can My Child Get Medicaid if I Have Insurance?

Can My Child Get Medicaid if I Have Insurance – Overview

If you have insurance coverage, your child is entitled to certain Medicaid benefits. However, insurance experts recommend getting your child CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) coverage.

CHIP provides medical coverage for children under 19 years old whose families earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but cannot afford private insurance.

What is CHIP

Can My Child Get Medicaid if I Have Insurance

Can My Child Get Medicaid if I Have Insurance – What Is CHIP?

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) was established in 1997 as part of the Balanced Budget Act and is known by different names in different states. For instance, the CHIP initiative in New York is known as Child Health Plus, while in Arkansas, it is called ARKids.

In essence, CHIP is a US federal healthcare program operated and administered by each state. Managing CHIP programs is the state’s Medicaid administration’s task. Sometimes, families may not receive health insurance coverage for children through their employer-sponsored insurance program. In such cases, families should apply for CHIP coverage.

CHIP covers various medical services, most of which are free or low-cost, though some may require a co-payment. Some states may also require a nominal monthly premium, which cannot exceed 5% of the annual household income.

CHIP usually covers the cost of annual check-ups, doctor visits, immunization, hospital care, vision and dental care, prescriptions, laboratory services, and emergency medical care. Although it primarily covers children, some states have expanded their programs to cover pregnant women under its unborn child option; however, it does not extend to parents.

You can apply for CHIP coverage for your child at any time of the year, and if eligible, coverage can begin immediately upon enrollment. Parents eligible for Medicaid can enroll their children in CHIP if they exceed Medicaid income limits, not to avoid buying additional coverage.

What Are the Benefits of Chip?

CHIP benefits are relatively standard, though some may vary from state to state. According to the official website, here are the primary advantages and benefits of CHIP insurance coverage for children in the USA:

  • Regular check-up
  • Doctors’ visits
  • Immunization and vaccination
  • Laboratory and X-ray services
  • Dental care
  • Vision care
  • Prescription drugs
  • Mental health services
  • Inpatient and outpatient hospital care
  • Emergency medical services

What Are the Eligibility Criteria for Chip?

Usually, children below 18 years of age are eligible to enroll in the CHIP program. The income criterion depends on the family size and the state of residence. Besides this, the following are the common criteria for CHIP eligibility, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ official website:

  • Uninsured individuals
  • Registered citizen
  • Meet immigration requirements
  • A resident of the state
  • Eligible according to CHIP’s income range (based on family income) and other state-specific rules as per the CHIP state plan

Eligibility for CHIP depends on each state’s income limits, which can vary widely, so it’s best to check with your state’s program for specific eligibility criteria. However, you must remember that this income limit varies from state to state. So, it is advisable to consult with your local Medicaid agent or representative and determine the specific income criteria dictated by your state.

How to Enroll Your Child in CHIP

CHIP is by far the most affordable and efficient health insurance program for children in the United States. It is run by a collaborative effort between the federal and state governments. Choosing to enroll your child in the CHIP program has numerous benefits.

According to survey reports by different agencies, CHIP significantly impacts the provision of efficient and affordable health and medical care for children in the US. Here are some facts that highlight this:

  • 9 out of 10 parents are satisfied with their child’s CHIP coverage.
  • 94% of parents admit to having access to urgent care services for their child, as and when necessary.
  • 92% of parents state they could get an appointment with a doctor for their sick child within 24 hours through CHIP.
  • 96% of the surveyed respondents stated that they received an appointment for check-up and vaccination according to their expectations.
  • 99% of parents have had their child see a dentist in the last 6 months through CHIP benefits.
  • 93% of parents are pleased with doctors’ time with their children.
  • 93% of parents were happy with the helpful treatment of hospital staff when using CHIP benefits.
  • 97% of parents report their child’s doctor treated them with respect.
  • 92% of parents said getting their child’s medical care, tests, and treatments under CHIP coverage was easier.


Though Medicaid may offer a few benefits for children, enrolling your child in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is highly recommended for maximum benefits. This nationwide health insurance program is aimed specifically at children below 18 years of age and offers various health and medical care benefits.

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