The widely used social media platform TikTok has taken the world by storm. On it, people share a lot of information, including food recipes, art, and medical advice. Creators share information, and some go viral.
There is a difference between sharing a video of how to get your cat to drink milk and one that advises people to install their braces. With the right audience, a lot of information can be passed along.
There may be dire consequences if the information being passed on is wrong. For the sake of public health, medical practitioners must continuously debunk misinformation and unprofessionalism.
Let’s have a quick look at their implications and what you can do about them.
Are TikTok Medical Videos Fake?
Although not all TikToks sharing medical information is fake or untrue, a huge portion of them are relaying wrong information to the public.
In addition, users may not be interested in verifying the authenticity of the information on a viral video.
What are the Implications of Spreading Fake News
Following unverified medical advice from TikTok may result in health complications, some of which could be severe.
Some viral videos on the platform might suggest using treatments in ways not supported by medical evidence. The videos are usually short and have instant edited results that assure users the methods work.
This is very dangerous as each individual is different, and a health practitioner should prescribe any medicine after diagnosis.
Long-term Side Effects
The viral videos may advise people to try out a certain drug without considering any allergies or pre-existing conditions. Without this knowledge, users who try out the trends may be affected by long-term side effects because they unknowingly took drugs that are not recommended.
Following dangerous or harmful advice from viral videos could, in extreme cases, result in serious harm or death. There have been videos that promote anorexia and advocate for sleeping long hours to avoid eating. Such challenges can cause dehydration and ultimately lead to death.
This is a worrying trend as a large part of TikTok’s demographic is young people who are quick to follow trends.
What Should Healthcare Experts Do?
Healthcare professionals could use the same social media platforms to provide accurate medical information and counter misinformation.
Hold Workshops and Seminars
With the increase in virtual workshops since the pandemic’s beginning, healthcare specialists can call for virtual workshops to spread correct information on the viral TikTok going around.
Educating the masses on the importance of verifying the information they are fed or consulting a doctor when in doubt will play a huge role in countering the misinformation.
Healthcare specialists can also participate in creating short videos and reacting to viral videos by incorporating dance and music to make them interesting. Breaking them down into parts and explaining them to the masses with facts will help prevent further damage.
Flag off Wrong Information
Information spreads quickly, and within seconds, thousands of people are affected. Healthcare practitioners and platform operators could work together to establish guidelines for posting medical information to help ensure accuracy.
They can decide that such sensitive information should meet certain standards and be verified by a body to prevent the spread of fake news. If any wrong information is detected, it is blocked from being posted.
This will go a long way in ensuring only authentic information is available and from trusted sources.
Build Virtual Relationships
One of the reasons why medical TikTok is trending and spreading fake information is that it is believed that physicians are largely unavailable. They can take this chance to prove the masses wrong by building trust with the users.
Engaging with the users and addressing areas of concern will build trust and create lasting relationships. Users will not need to follow or seek advice from unverified health practitioners.
Final Thoughts
Health is a very sensitive issue and should not be taken lightly when misinformation is being spread. Healthcare workers need to ensure only authentic and verified information is available for the sake of public health.
Using the same platform to debunk wrong information can go a long way to providing efficient healthcare services.
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