Rheumatology Research Foundation Grants

Rheumatology Research Foundation Grants are Available?

Rheumatology Research Foundation grants offer funding for advancing rheumatology research and training programs in the United States.

The grants aim to recruit the brightest minds, provide quality education, and support essential research to improve the health of people with rheumatic diseases.

The programs fund rheumatology trainees, professionals, and institutions.

Rheumatology Research Foundation is committed to expanding the workforce, allowing patients to live longer and healthier lives with better access to specially trained rheumatology professionals.

Rheumatology Research Foundation Grants – Advance Treatments and Cures

Major funding is required to establish a productive research career in rheumatology.

However, with the decline in federal funding for rheumatology research, some investigators have reconsidered their careers, potentially leading to fewer researchers.

Rheumatology Research Foundation offers grants to advance treatments and find cures by encouraging early and mid-career investigators to continue their research, finding a cause or treatment for rheumatic diseases.

15 Rheumatology Research Foundation Grants

1. Innovative Research Award

Innovative Research Awards support innovative research ideas for rheumatic diseases. Understanding rheumatic diseases, their causes, and ways to treat them is essential.

The grants encourage independent investigators by providing the required funding to pursue novel studies and ideas that could generate insights and discover new treatments.

The maximum grant amount is $400,000 for a two-year term. Health professional researchers, Physician-scientists, and clinicians are eligible to receive the Innovative Research Award.

For more information, visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/file/FY23-Innovative-Research-Award_2.16.21.pdf

2. Innovative Research Award for Community Practitioners

The Rheumatology Research Foundation recognizes the unique potential for research professionals perform in community-based environments. The

Innovative Research Award for Community Practitioners will enable research that can improve treatment, patient outcomes, and quality of care for rheumatic diseases.

Projects submitted for this award should be relevant to the following:

  1. Health services research
  2. Outcomes-based research
  3. Observational studies
  4. Practice supply and demand analysis
  5. Cost-benefit analysis or value-based studies
  6. Patient communications studies

Eligible clinicians are awarded between $50,000 – $200,000 per year for up to two years. For more information, visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/document.doc?id=491

3. Pediatric Visiting Professorship

The Pediatric Visiting Professorship aims to provide pediatric rheumatology exposure primarily to medical students and residents. This grant program is directed at trainees and clinicians who are involved in the care of children.

Each visiting professor is awarded a $1,500 honorarium. The applications can be submitted online through ProposalCentral.

For more information., visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/file/FY23-Pediatric-Visiting-Professorship.pdf

4. Clinician Scholar Educator Award

Health professionals and future doctors are awarded Clinician Scholar Educator (CSE) awards to enhance education in rheumatology.

Recipients are required to demonstrate a commitment to developing a career in education within rheumatology. They must be devoted to effective training to develop products and processes using new technologies to better train the future.

The grant amount of up to $60,000 per year for three years is awarded. All the applications can be submitted online before the deadline at ProposalCentral.

For more information, visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/file/FY23-Clinician-Scholar-Educator-Award_2.16.21.pdf

5. Career Development Bridge Funding Award: R Bridge

These grants are awarded to those running out of research support or those who have not been funded after receiving a priority score. This grant program awards NIH R01, VA Research Career Scientist (RCS), or Merit Award applicants.

The grant amount is up to $100,000 per year for two years.

For more information, visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/file/FY22_Career-Development-Bridge-Funding-Award_R-Bridge_3.3.2021.pdf

6. Career Development Bridge Funding Award: K Supplement

The research costs include support staff and essential laboratory supplies. The NIH K Series and VA CDA awards offer limited resources to cover such costs. However, these are crucial for the successful transition of junior investigators to individual investigators.

Career Development and Bridge Funding Awards are designed to supplement existing awards like the NIH K series and VA CDA by covering additional research costs.

Applicants must propose a new project or demonstrate the growth of their aim by expanding their career development.

The grant amount is up to $50,000 per year for two years. For more information, visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/file/Career Development Bridge Funding Award: K Bridge

The Career Development Bridge Funding Award supports young faculty in obtaining long-term career development and success. The award amount goes up to $75,000 for one year. For more information, visit


7. Investigator Award

When the junior investigators developing a project between the completion of post-doctorate fellowship training and establishment as an independent investigator find it difficult to receive NIH funding, Investigator Award can help.

The purpose is to support basic science, clinical and translational investigators in research relevant to rheumatic diseases. The award amount is up to $375,000 for up to 3 years.

For more information, visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/file/

8. Scientist Development Award (SDA)

This award is designed for young scientists in the early stages or those without significant prior research experience who plan to embark on research training and careers in rheumatic diseases.

It provides a means for ensuring qualified and trained professionals in the field of rheumatology.

The purpose of this award is to support a structured training program for health professionals in the field of rheumatology.

This career development award supports salary and research, and education costs for the early years of research training, where trainees interact with established rheumatologists.

The award amount is up to $125,000 for the first two years, with a competitive renewal for year three up to $100,000.

For more information, visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/file/FY23-Scientist-Development-Award_2.16.21.pdf

9. Lawren H. Daltroy Preceptorship in Health Communication

The Lawren H. Daltroy Preceptorship in Health Communication provides resources to support training, career development, and research skills enhancement.

Eligible candidates include trainees, junior researchers, or health professionals with no current or prior R01 or R01-equivalent funding.

The award amount is up to $15,000 for one year.

For more information, visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/file/FY22-Lawren-H.-Daltroy-Health-Professional-Preceptorship.pdf

10. Amgen Fellowship Training Award

The purpose of this award is to ensure that there is an adequate supply of rheumatology with the providers to meet the needs of children and adults with rheumatic diseases.

These grant awards also take care that there are enough rheumatology educators and investigators to advance research and train future clinicians in rheumatology.

The Amgen Fellowship Training Award can also be used to support the salary of a fellow in a rheumatology training program. The award amount is $50,000 for one year.

For more information, visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/file/

11. Health Professional Online Education Grant

The Health Professional Online Education grant is awarded to increase non-physician rheumatology health professionals’ skills and knowledge. The purpose is to meet the needs of a growing rheumatology patient population.

The award amount for the Advanced Rheumatology Course is up to $1,776, and for the Fundamentals of Rheumatology Course, it is up to $750.

For more information, visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/file/HPOEG-21.pdf

12. Resident Research Preceptorship

The Resident Research Preceptorship aims to introduce residents to rheumatology by supporting a full-time research experience.

The award amount of $15,000 for a three-month research preceptorship is awarded.

For more information, visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/file/

13. Pediatric Rheumatology Fellow Research Award

You can benefit from this grant program if you want to experience personalized learning to expand your knowledge and focus your interest in rheumatology. You will get access to the latest discoveries and research transforming rheumatic disease care.

The award of $1,000 plus complimentary registration to attend the 2021 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Convergence is granted.

For more information, visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/file/FY22-Pediatric-Rheumatology-Fellow-Research-Award.pdf

14. Medical and Graduate Student Preceptorship

The purpose of the medical and graduate student preceptorship program is to introduce students to clinical and research aspects of rheumatology-related healthcare.

Applicants are supported with a 4-week or 8-week full-time clinical or research experience. The student is not expected to perform independent patient management.

The award amount is $4,000 for at least 8 weeks of research.

For more information, visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/file/FY22-Medical–Graduate-Student-Preceptorship.pdf

15. Rheumatology Future Physician-Scientist Award

The purpose of the Rheumatology Future Physician Scientist award is to enhance the research training of students who intend careers as physician-scientists or who are enrolled in MD/Ph.D. or DO/Ph.D. dual-doctoral degree training programs.

The aim is to enhance the individual potential to develop into an independent, productive physician-scientist in rheumatology. The award amount is up to $30,000 per year in direct costs and a maximum of $60,000 over two years.

For more information, visit https://www.rheumresearch.org/file/


The Rheumatology Research Foundation Grants are offered to transform the future of people with rheumatic disease.

The programs are funded to help young researchers and train the next generation of rheumatology professionals to pursue ideas and projects that will lead to a cure.

See Also

Johnson and Johnson Grants

Plastic Surgery Charities

Benefits of Mobile Clinics

Current Version
April 16, 2021
Written By
Victoria Abigail Friedland
April 27, 2024
Updated By
Andleeb Asghar, PharmD

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