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Source: CDC
This IVF Success Rate Calculator is for general information only and does not provide medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis.
The IVF success rate calculator estimates potential success rates based on various factors during ART treatment. The information provided by the calculator is for self-satisfaction only.
These estimates may vary depending on multiple factors, including age, weight, and previous pregnancies. It also includes the experiences during the ART treatment.
If you want accurate information about IVF treatment, you should see your doctor or healthcare provider, who will provide the personalized treatment plan best suited for you.
What is IVF Success Rate Calculator (Estimator)?
The IVF Success Rate Calculator allows you to determine the approximate success rate of having a baby after one or several cycles of IVF treatments using assisted reproduction in each case.
How Does the IVF Success Rate Calculator Work?
Engineers have developed the IVF Success Rate Calculator with the help of the latest algorithms.
The algorithms are designed by gathering information from IVF clinics across the United States. As per the success ratio of each clinic, the algorithms are designed to show near to accurate results every time.
How to Use the IVF Success Rate Calculator?
When it comes to using the calculator, one has to take part in the simple questions and answers page, where you will be asked 6 different questions about your body parameters and health conditions as well as the method of conception.
You can select the appropriate answer from the given options or write down the answer manually in the calculator.
The success rate of IVF treatment is influenced by multiple factors, including the individual’s health conditions. It plays a vital role in conceiving a baby and not the experiences or techniques of fertility doctors.
Fertility doctors will follow the standard procedure that can help you conceive a baby, but it depends upon the health conditions of infertile women.
Factors Affecting the Fertility with IVF Treatment:
- Duration of infertility,
- The response of ovaries to stimulation
- The number and quality of eggs matured in follicles,
- The quality of sperm and so on.
Besides this, some non-modifiable factors largely determine the prognosis of IVF treatment cycles, such as:
1. Maternal Age
The success rate of IVF treatment is associated with the patient’s age. Specialists claim age to be one of the main factors determining the success of the IVF procedure.
As females get older, their reproductive capacity naturally significantly declines, which makes it harder for them to conceive and is also often associated with higher rates of pregnancy complications.
Fertility in women generally decreases with age, particularly after 35. So, the probability of having a child by a woman younger than 31 (at the time of the first IVF cycle) is much higher than after 37 years.
2. Maternal Weight
Maternal weight during pregnancy with IVF also plays a vital role in having a healthy baby. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can increase the risk of complications during delivery.
Being overweight can reduce the likelihood of successful pregnancy with IVF. Studies have shown that obesity is a barrier for women who want to conceive a baby with IVF treatment.
An infertile woman must focus on managing her weight before going for IVF treatment. Instead of having a failed IVF cycle, an infertile woman should first maintain her weight and then go for treatment.
3. Maternal Height
Maternal BMI can influence pregnancy outcomes, affecting the success rate of IVF treatments. Extremes of BMI raise the risk of preterm birth and unsuccessful IVF treatment cycles.
You need to enter the following information when the calculator asks to determine the accurate success rate of the IVF treatment for the next IVF cycle if the previous cycles failed.
- How many times have you used IVF in the past (all cycles included, even those not resulting in pregnancy)
- Number of prior Pregnancies
- Number of prior Births
If pregnancy did not occur in the first attempt, this does not mean that a successful cycle is impossible to achieve in the future.
One should not be disappointed if the first attempt of the IVF cycle fails. To date, experts have concluded that it is fair to speak about unsuccessful treatment only after the third unsuccessful attempt at ART.
The number of previous attempts is a prognostic factor for the next successful IVF cycle. In other words, if the previous IVF was successful, there is a greater chance of achieving the same result again.
4. Diagnosis
Here, you choose the exact cause of your infertility in case you know, which can be:
- Endometriosis – a disorder where tissue that normally lines the uterine cavity grows elsewhere in the body and creates problems with fertility
- Uterine factor – any anatomical uterine anomalies like fibroids or scars
- Fallopian tube factors – damaged fallopian tubes prevent eggs from traveling from the ovaries to the uterus
- Ovulatory disorder (including PCOS) – hormonal disorders that diminish the function of the ovaries
- Diminished ovarian reserve – which has naturally declined with age
Any male factor infertility, like
- Low sperm count
- Abnormal sperm function
- Blockage of sperm delivery and so on.
- Unexplained (Idiopathic) Infertility
A couple who was evaluated for a complete infertility screen, despite normal results, was still unable to conceive
Other reasons:
- Recurrent pregnancy loss
- Some medical contraindications to pregnancy
- Use of a gestational carrier
Knowing the diagnosis helps fertility doctors estimate favorable outcomes for IVF cycles since different disorders have distinct management methods and individual prognostic factors that affect rates of successful conception differently.
5. Egg source
Own Eggs or Donor Eggs
If an infertile woman has exhausted her ovulatory reserve, then she may be offered donor help. This refers to the use of someone else’s eggs for artificial insemination. At a later age, fresh or frozen eggs from a donor are used for this procedure instead of their eggs.
The IVF Success Results
After filling in all the questions, the user will see a chart and the probability of conception as a percentage after the first, second, and third additional full IVF cycle.
You will also find the second group of charts comparing the probability of success according to the number of embryos transferred.
Transferring multiple embryos can increase the probability of success for IVF cycles and the likelihood of multiple gestations, which raises the risk of pregnancy complications.
The researchers emphasize that the calculator gives only an estimated forecast, and it is not worth considering it as the ultimate guarantee since life makes its adjustments and every conception process is very individual.
So, consult your doctor to further analyze the calculation results.
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This calculator is for informational purposes only and should be used only for estimations. Differences in calculations can have enormous clinical consequences. These tools do not give professional or healthcare advice. This information is not intended to replace clinical judgment or guide individual patient care in any manner.
Your reliance upon information and content obtained by you at or through this website is solely at your own risk. Neither Five Buttons, LLC, nor shall be liable for any special, consequential, damage or injury (including death) to you, other persons or exemplary damages resulting in whole or part from any User’s use of or reliance upon this calculator and the information contained within. and the system’s authors, developers and distributors assume no responsibility for any erroneous results due to defects in the system. Access to and use of the is provided without warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or any other warranty, express or implied.
CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
IVF Grants in the U.S.
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