Grants for Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities

Grants for Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities – Overview

Children with learning disabilities face significant challenges in the initial stages of education. Elementary schools have standardized testing for admissions, but many studies have proven these tests to be inaccurate in many instances. Fortunately, as teachers have realized this, attempts are being made to make admission and education fair and easy for children with learning disabilities.

If you are looking to get grants for elementary students with learning disabilities, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we have a detailed list of the best sources for grants that help disabled students get admission into elementary schools:

Top 7 Grants for Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities in the US

Here is our selection of the best grants for elementary students with learning disabilities in the US:

Grants for Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities

Top 7 Grants for Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities in the US

1. American Association of Educators Classroom Grant

The American Association of Educators (AAE) offers the Classroom Grant of USD 500. This grant is provided to buy classroom resources, such as books, audio-visual equipment, and curriculum for special needs students.

This grant is available to eligible candidates who have not received the AAE Classroom Grant in the past 2 years.

2. American Association of School Librarians Innovative Reading Grant

The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Innovative Reading Grant is a curriculum grant. It is provided to eligible candidates in planning and implementing programs that motivate students to read. The grant places special emphasis on helping students with learning disabilities.

All American Association of School Librarians members can apply for this grant. To get this grant, you must submit an online application before February 1 each year.

To learn more about the AASL Innovative Reading Grant, you can check out the official website.

3. DonorsChoose Grants

The DonorsChoose Grants aim to create fundraisers that allow others to donate towards a new school goal. This grant can purchase new school resources and fund classroom projects, especially for children with learning disabilities.

You will need to create an account with DonorsChoose to receive the grant. You can find more details about this grant on the official DonorsChoose website.

4. Dollar General Summer Literacy Grant

The Dollar General brand offers the Summer Literacy Grant. The funds from this grant are meant to set up and implement reading programs for children with learning disabilities, especially in elementary schools.

This grant is eligible for librarians, school admins, and local non-profit organizations that serve K-12 students with special needs.

To find more details about eligibility criteria, application, and fund amount, you can check out the official link.

5. Honda Community Grant

The Honda Community Grant provides public schools with funding that can be used to secure classroom technology. This grant can also be implemented to improve and implement STEM curricula at schools.

You must submit an online application and proposal to get this grant. You must also attach audited statements for the past two years with the application and proposal. Check the deadline for application for the Honda Community Grant before applying.

6. NEA Learning and Leadership Grants

The NEA Foundation offers Learning and Leadership Grants. These are aimed to help educators and librarians to create a rich reading environment and immersive curriculum that promotes professional development opportunities in special needs children.

This grant can be applied for only by school admins and teachers who are currently members of the NEA Foundation. You will need to fill out an online application and submit a grant proposal along with the application. You can apply thrice a year to receive this NEA grant.

You can find more details about the NEA Learning and Leadership Grants by visiting the official website.

7. US General Services Administration Computers for Learning Program

The U.S. General Services Administration offers the Computers for Learning Program for children with learning disabilities and others. This computer grant aims to promote tech education in public schools in underserved communities.

School librarians working at schools in disadvantaged communities can apply for this grant. You must fill out an online application and send it before the February deadline.

For more details about the US General Services Administration Computers for Learning Program grant, please check the official website here


These are the top grants for elementary students with learning disabilities in the US. Each grant has different eligibility criteria, the application process, and deadlines. Check the criteria and application process for individual grants to ensure you qualify for the grant before applying. It is highly advised to visit the official website of grant providers and learn more details before applying for any grant.

Can I get a grant if I have ADHD?

Yes, there are several scholarships aimed at students suffering from ADHD. For instance, you can apply for the Allegra Ford Thomas Scholarship.

Can I get free education at elementary school if my child has learning disabilities?

Yes, there are several grants and financial aids that are provided to promote low-cost and even free education for elementary students with learning disabilities. You can find more by a simple Google search for such scholarships at your nearest public elementary school.

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Current Version
June 14, 2023
Written By
Shubham Grover

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